How to Make Moon Water and When to Use It

Witch, please.

You may only know it’s a full moon if your yoga teacher mentions it, or maybe you’re a self-proclaimed witch obsessed with crystals. Either way, anyone can benefit from the magic of the moon—and one way to do so is with moon water, water that can pull in and hold a full or new moon’s energy. This should come as no surprise since the moon affects the tides and its intuitive, emotional power has been touted for centuries. In fact, it’s just one of many ways that Luna is energetically associated with water and receptivity. (There’s also the fact that it rules water sign Cancer.)

Intrigued? We turned to spiritual experts Lisa Marie Basile and Michele Lefler to give us the DL on everything there is to know about this buzzy potion, including how to make moon water, plus when and how to use it.

Meet the expert

  • Lisa Marie Basile is the author of City Witchery: Accessible Rituals, Practices & Prompts for Conjuring and Creating in a Magical Metropolis as well as the founder and creative director of Luna Luna Magazine. 
  • Michele Lefler is a shaman, spiritual guide, witch, and founder of Living Moon Meditation. 

What Is Moon Water?

"Moon water is a magical water programmed by the moon's gorgeous energy—usually under the full moon, sometimes the new moon," explains Basile. (This is why it's sometimes called "full moon water" or "new moon water"). "It collects the moon's radiant light and its phase properties, and it can amplify your magical workings or intentions."

How to Make Moon Water

1. Gather and Set Materials

"Simply place a jar or bowl of water under direct moonlight at the window or a porch," instructs Basile. "For city dwellers without access to direct moonlight, don't worry about capturing the light directly. The energy will still be absorbed by the water; your intent is powerful."

If you want to store the moon water instead of using it immediately, it's better to grab a jar instead of a bowl. This way, you can put a lid on the magical energy you've created for safekeeping.

2. Add Salt

You might also add salt to your moon water for its cleansing properties. It's best to use sea salt since it's more connected to the Earth, but table salt works too if you don't have access to sea salt.

3. Use Water-Friendly Crystals

Place crystals around or in the water to “amp up” its quality, suggests Basile. Just be sure the crystals you submerge are water-friendly. Some, like hematite or tangerine quartz, are lower on the Mohs Hardness Scale and might dissolve or crack in water, according to Crystal Clear Intuition. Water-safe crystals include amethyst, which is great for meditation and focus; rose quartz, which calls in all forms of love; and tiger’s eye, which boosts courage and self-confidence.

When to Make Moon Water

Identify Lunar Events

It’s key to consider the particular astrological aspects surrounding the lunar event. For instance, you may want to avoid using a full or new moon that’s also an eclipse, as eclipses are already so intense and change-bringing on their own. You don’t want to do any harnessing or intention-setting rituals around them. Basile also advises against making moon water during a Mercury retrograde, when it’s more of a struggle to think and communicate your intentions and desires.

Tap Into a Zodiac Sign

In general, you can choose the best lunar event for making moon water by thinking about the qualities of a particular sign you’d like to tap into. For example, if you’re a Pisces looking for grounding energy, you might find the full Taurus moon to offer a sensual, stabilizing force. If you’re a Virgo who’d like to get out of your head and into your feelings, you might want to soak up the energy of a Cancer full moon. (You can do this on an astrology app like Sanctuary or Astro Future or by working with an astrologer.)

Look for Positive Aspects

Of course, you’ll want to look for positive aspects around any moon. Regardless of the sign it’s in, if a moon is conjunct fortunate Jupiter, it could bring luck and abundance. If it formed a sweet trine to the planet of love, Venus, the water you’d create would have a harmonious, relationship-loving energy.

Tune Into Your Intuition

Ultimately, you'll want to tune into your intuition to determine whether a particular moon is one you'd like to capture the flavor of. If anything feels "off" or forced, skip it. Working with your intuition requires you to not do things as much as it requires forward action.

Be Spontaneous

You could also be spontaneously inspired to make moon water—perhaps while traveling. “My favorite moon water experience is creating it in one city and bringing it home,” says Basile. “I made moon water on the Mediterranean Sea with seawater collected under a full moon. I now use it for ancestral practices.”

How to Use Moon Water

In short, you can use moon water for basically anything you would normally use water for, notes Lefler. "Using moon water in place of 'regular' water will transfer the energy of the moon to whatever the water is used for," Lefler adds. Moon water might also support your creativity. "I'll even spritz a little when I write to inspire me," says Basile.

According to Lefler, once you've created your moon water, you can use it to do any of the following:

  • Water plants
  • Drink it
  • Wash your hair and face
  • Add it to a bath
  • Cleanse your home

"For anyone who is living in a shared space or has allergies…moon water space sprays are a great replacement for smoke cleansing or incense," Lefler says. 

Final Takeaway

It’s easy to make moon water—and its benefits abound. No matter how you use it, you’ll just want to remember to hold a very specific intention in mind during your practice. Perhaps you want to boost your well-being after fighting off a cold or release toxic bonds. Create an affirmation, prayer, or mantra, like this: “I am healed and revitalized” or “I release relationships that are no longer serving me.”  As Lefler points out, “Intent is paramount to making and using moon water—as it is to anything magical.”

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