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Cancer Compatibility: Best and Worst Sign Matches

Those born under the cardinal water sign Cancer are often pegged as overly sentimental crybabies and stage five clingers for life. As such, one may think that Cancer compatibility depends on how much of their crying you can take. The truth is far more nuanced.

Ruled by the intuitive moon, Cancers are innate caregivers—uniquely in tune with their own and their loved one’s emotions. They’re compassionate, nurturing mush balls who are quick to protect their sensitive hearts when they sense they could get hurt.

Because they're the ruler of the fourth house of home and family, they thrive when they have a tranquil, secure domestic life. If you're similarly family-oriented and in tune with your feelings, you'll probably get along well with a Cancer.

Ahead, we break down Cancer's compatibility with all 12 signs of the zodiac.

Cancer and Aries: Problematic Pair

Aries, the first sign of the zodiac and the cardinal fire sign, and Cancer are square—or three signs apart from one another. This can be challenging as both cardinal signs are big-picture thinkers who excel at initiation but might need a bit of hand-holding when it comes to follow-through. Cancer’s sweet, thoughtful sensitivity could conflict with Aries’ fiery, fast-paced, competitive M.O. Respecting one another’s emotional process is integral to getting on the same page.

Cancer and Taurus: Ideal Match

Taurus, the fixed earth sign, and Cancer are sextile—or two signs apart from one another, making for a friendly, easygoing relationship. These two signs make for one of the sweetest, most organically compatible pairings of the zodiac. The Bull’s slow, security-loving vibe harmonizes with the Crab’s heartfelt homebody personality. Both are innately nurturing, loyal, and commit their heart and soul to a relationship they’re invested in. They also tend to adore the same sensual experiences (like a sumptuous, home-cooked meal).

Cancer and Gemini: Better as Friends

Cancer is semisextile—or one sign apart—from Gemini, the mutable air sign, which can create some friction between partners. Where the Twins lead with their mind, the Crab allows their heart to run the show. Mercury, Gemini’s ruling planet, is faster-paced than the intuitive, luminous moon, which can throw off the energy balance between these two as well. That said, they can build a lasting bond through lots of communication.

Cancer and Cancer: In Sync

Two Cancers—each wired to pour their hearts into their most meaningful bonds—can create a blissful, homey, cozy existence together. They'll endlessly show up for each other, prioritizing love, family, and mutual support. They're both quick to defend one another from any pain that could be inflicted by the outside world. The only drawback: On occasion, it's possible this pair could get swept out into a sea of melodrama.

A man walks with his arm over the shoulders of a woman

Cancer and Leo: Opposites Attract

Leo, the fifth sign of the zodiac and the fixed fire sign, is semisextile—or one sign apart—from Cancer, making for some bumpiness. The dynamic, spotlight-loving, and sun-ruled Lion is perpetually optimistic and confident. The intuitive, sensitive, and moon-ruled Crab sees and feels all the shades of happiness, sadness, and everything in between. Both are loyal, heartfelt, and prone to be in love with love—which can make them feel like a fairly natural duo.

Cancer and Virgo: Full of Potential

Virgo, the sixth sign of the zodiac and the mutable earth sign, is sextile—or two signs apart—from Cancer, which makes for a natural, harmonious connection. Both Cancer and Virgo are sensitive, service-oriented caregivers who are happiest when they’re giving to others. They’re both equally motivated to turn big-picture dreams into reality. Cancer admires Virgo’s intellectual approach, while the Crab can teach the Maiden to tune into their intuition.

Cancer and Libra: It's Complicated

Libra, the seventh sign of the zodiac and the cardinal air sign, is square—or three signs apart from Cancer—which can be a challenging but potentially activating angle. Both cardinal signs adore companionship, creating a beautiful home life, and all the pleasures that come with having a partner. However, as an air sign, Libra’s approach to romance tends to be more intellectually charged, while Cancer prefers to follow their heart over their head. Keeping their eyes trained on their mutual love of love can save the day.

Cancer and Scorpio: Outlook Good

Scorpio, the eighth sign of the zodiac and the fixed water sign, is trine—or four signs apart from Cancer—which sets the stage for one of the most natural, pleasurable, well-matched pairings in the zodiac. Both are sensitive, intuitive, even slightly psychic water signs who put family first and have no problem swimming in the depths of all of their feelings. The Crab’s loyal attachment style is perfectly suited to the Scorpion’s natural possessiveness, and lovemaking is spiritual, transformative, and deeply sensual.

Cancer and Sagittarius: Mismatched

Sagittarius, the ninth sign of the zodiac and the mutable fire sign, is quincunx—or five signs apart from Cancer—which speaks to an awkward match. While both signs are spiritual and find comfort in rituals, Sag is free-spirited, while Cancer needs consistency. The Archer’s unfiltered soapbox routine can come off as preachy and insensitive to the Crab. Cancer’s moodiness can strike Sag as weak. However, if they can strike a balance between freedom and security, the Archer and Crab could be one another’s greatest cheerleaders.

Looking to add a little fire to your personal style? Here’s how to dress like a Sagittarius, according to an astrologer.

Cancer and Capricorn: Highly Compatible

Capricorn, the 10th sign of the zodiac and the cardinal earth sign, is opposite—or six signs apart from Cancer. The Goat and the Crab can balance one another out—or drive each other up a wall. Ruled by taskmaster Saturn, Cap’s cool, serious pragmatism lends itself to their ultimate goal: climbing up that mountain and achieving their greatest aspirations one step at a time. Cancer, on the other hand, tends to let emotion fuel their aspirations and their action. Still, both are interested in putting in the work to create a lasting, secure partnership.

Cancer and Aquarius: Not Meant to Be

Aquarius, the 11th sign of the zodiac and the fixed air sign, is quincunx—or five signs apart from Cancer—making for an awkward, uncertain pairing. Ruled by revolutionary Uranus, airy Aquarius is aloof and future-minded. The Crab has a soft spot for traditions, especially those that are interwoven with family.

Cancer and Pisces: Signs Point to Yes

Pisces, the 12th sign of the zodiac and mutable water sign, is trine—or four signs apart from Cancer—making for a natural, loving fit. Ruled by dreamy Neptune, the Fish is deeply spiritual, empathic, artistic, and emotional. As an initiating cardinal sign, Cancer can come up with ambitious game plans for making less-decisive Pisces’ dreams come true. Pisces can teach Cancer to channel their, at times, overwhelming emotions into a healthy outlet, like art, music, dance, theater, or creative lovemaking.

The Takeaway

Whether you’re feeling confident or freaked out at the moment, remember that no matter how compatible—or not—you seem to be with your partner or potential love match, sun sign compatibility is just one small piece of a larger puzzle.

You can get the most accurate idea of how you match with a partner by looking at your entire natal chart. (Running a synastry report on a site like or doing a reading with a professional astrologer can offer the most accurate, individualized insight.)

Remember: Since our birth charts are divided up into 12 houses, each ruled by one of the 12 signs, we've all got some Crab energy in us. Let's learn to embrace it.