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Sagittarius Compatibility: Best and Worst Sign Matches

It's good news for Aries and Leo.

A mutable fire sign ruled by lucky Jupiter, Sagittarius is the spirited adventurer of the zodiac. As such, people with this placement have an insatiable wanderlust that ideally results in globetrotting adventures and lifelong learning about other cultures. Those born between approximately November 22 and December 21—or who have other astrological placements in their birth chart in Sag—have an inner compass that guides them to seek truth and stand up for what they believe is right. You’re likely compatible with Sagittarius if you’re also outgoing, jovial, opinionated, and quick to become the life of any party.

If you’re similarly buoyant, free-spirited, social, interested in exploring all that the great big world has to offer, and always speak your mind, it’s also likely that you’ll click with a Sagittarius. (It also bears noting that your sun sign is just one piece of a really complex, nuanced puzzle known as your natal, or birth, chart. Check yours out to see which house Sag rules and if you have any planetary placements that connect with the mutable fire sign.)

Here is a Sagittarius's compatibility with all 12 signs of the zodiac.

Sagittarius and Aries: Ideal Match

Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, the cardinal fire sign, and Sagittarius are trine, or four signs apart. This sets the stage for one of the most natural, pleasurable, well-matched pairings in the zodiac. The Ram and the Archer are both action-oriented, easily fired up, and exuberant about getting the most out of life. The only spot where they might clash is in terms of pace. Aries is impulsive, speedy, and sometimes prefers shortcuts. The Archer prefers gathering information, asking tough questions, and getting philosophical. In general, however, these two fire signs make a dynamic duo.

Sagittarius and Taurus: Not Meant to Be

Taurus, the fixed earth sign, and Sagittarius are quincunx, or five signs apart. This is an awkward angle that can lead to, at best, confusion and, at worst, discord. These two signs just don’t have much in common. The Bull is perfectly content—and actually would much prefer—to chill at home, baking up comfort foods and lazing around in their coziest sweater. Sag, on the other hand, wants to get out into the world, renew their passport, and jump on the next flight without batting an eyelash. Taurus can teach Sag to be more grounded and pragmatic, while Sag can get Taurus out of their self-imposed rut, but, overall, they might struggle to get in sync.

Sagittarius and Gemini: Opposites Attract

Sagittarius is opposite, or six signs apart from Gemini, the third sign of the zodiac. We love to say that opposites attract, and they do, especially when it comes to this naturally free-spirited, adventure-loving pair. However, their differences are significant. Both lovers of soaking up knowledge, learning, and racking up new experiences, Sag tends to get super philosophical, political, and worked up on a soapbox, while Gemini takes everything a bit more lightly. Respecting one another’s unique communication styles will help this match get in sync.

Sagittarius and Cancer: Mismatched

Sagittarius, the ninth sign of the zodiac and the mutable fire sign, is quincunx, or five signs apart from Cancer, which speaks to an awkward match. While both signs are spiritual and find comfort in rituals and discussing what they believe in, Sag is free-spirited, whereas Cancer needs consistency, loyalty, and dependability to feel secure. The Archer’s unfiltered soapbox routine can appear preachy and insensitive to the Crab. Cancer’s moodiness can strike Sag as weak. If they can attune to one another’s needs and strike a balance between freedom and security, the Archer and Crab could be each other’s greatest cheerleaders.

Sagittarius and Leo: Outlook Good

Leo, the fifth sign of the zodiac and the fixed fire sign, is trine, or four signs apart from Sag, making for a natural, easygoing, and symbiotic match. Buoyant, joyful, and driven, both signs want to get out and make the most of the world around them. They’ll find broadening their horizons together feels truly fulfilling and bolsters their bond. Still, this match isn’t without its possible tough spots. The Archer can be preachy, while the Lion can be domineering. Finding a way to channel that shared—but potentially conflicting—fieriness into sex or more adventure is key.

Sagittarius and Virgo: Problematic Pair

Virgo, the sixth sign of the zodiac and the mutable earth sign, is square, or three signs apart from Sag, setting up a challenging relationship that could require a good deal of work and patience. Jupiter-ruled, gung-ho Sag’s whole M.O. is to speak (or preach) and then think. Conversely, Virgo will split hairs over the exact right word before, during, and after they deliver what they hope is a thoroughly researched, fact-based statement. In turn, the Archer can strike the Maiden as insensitive and priggish, while the Maiden feels like an uptight, overthinking pain to the Archer. However, if the fire sign is open to considering the details, and the earth sign wants more adventure in their lives, they’ve come to the right match.

Sagittarius and Libra: Full of Potential

Sagittarius is sextile, or two signs apart from Libra—the cardinal air sign ruled by beauty-loving Venus—laying the groundwork for a friendly, easygoing connection. Both Sag and Libra love being around people, entertaining and going on eye-opening adventures. (Sag is the one in front of the crowd telling jokes while Libra is busy ensuring all the technical details are primed and pretty.) The only rough spot might be how Sag delivers their opinions: in a soapbox-y, unfiltered way that can make tension-averse Libra uncomfortable. At their core, both are truth-seekers, so they’ll definitely see eye-to-eye on that.

Sagittarius and Scorpio: It’s Complicated

The intense fixed water sign, Scorpio, is semisextile, or one sign apart, from Sag, which generally makes for an awkward connection. Sag loves being around people and talking about anything and everything, while Scorpio likes their privacy and staying in. Sag needs freedom and space, believes that, in most cases, bigger is better, and has no problem blurting out their fiery opinions in a wholly unfiltered way, which can leave a super-private Scorpio cringing. Scorpio’s possessive and stubborn vibe can be a turnoff for Sag. Still, both love to explore, so if they can prioritize their shared passion for adventure, they can get along just fine.

Sagittarius and Sagittarius: In Sync

Get two Sagittarians together; they better have up-to-date passports and plenty of disposable income for travel. Similarly adventurous, philosophical, and invested in soaking up as much knowledge as possible, this is a pair that'll be perpetually in celebration mode. That's what could be their downfall. If neither can be the pragmatic force in the relationship or set boundaries, they could get carried away by their shared focus on fun and thrill-seeking. Or they'll just rack up tons of enviable experiences all over the globe.

Sagittarius and Capricorn: Better as Friends

Capricorn, the 10th sign of the zodiac and the cardinal earth sign, is semisextile, or one sign apart from Sag, which can make for slight rockiness. Ruled by taskmaster Saturn, Cap wants to appear chilly, collected, and in control. Fiery, free-spirited Sag has no problem making messes everywhere they go because YOLO. On the other hand, Cap could be the business manager Sag never knew they always needed. Meanwhile, Sag can help Cap connect with their inner adventurer and realize that embracing life and being in the present is just as cool as working hard and striving for the future.

Sagittarius and Aquarius: Highly Compatible

Aquarius, the 11th sign of the zodiac, and the fixed air sign is sextile, or two signs apart from Sagittarius, which makes for a friendly, organic connection. The Water Bearer prioritizes humanity, community, and what’s best for everyone collectively, which can be a lovely complement to Sag’s adoration of the truth and soaking up knowledge. Both prefer taking an unconventional, free-spirited path. The only spot where they might clash: Despite being so future-minded and progressive, Aquarius tends to think in a black-and-white way, digging their heels in when they believe they’re right. Dissimilarly, Sag is almost obsessed with being open-minded. If they can learn from one another, though, they’ll be unstoppable.

Sagittarius and Pisces: Signs Point to "No"

Pisces, the 12th sign of the zodiac and mutable water sign, is square, or three signs apart from Sag, which is a tense angle that might necessitate work in the relationship. Both are spiritually inclined and value beauty, emotion, and art. But while Pisces can be very sensitive, impressionable, and empathic to the point that they find it hard not to be deeply affected by other people’s pain, Sag is proudly blunt, a bit more cerebral than in their feelings, and philosophical as opposed to emotional. The Archer’s direct, unfiltered approach to sharing their thoughts and feelings could rub the Fish the wrong way, and the Fish might come off as too delicate to the wild and free Archer. However, they can also challenge one another in a way that promotes growth.

The Bottom Line

It’s true: We’ve assigned pretty specific rulings to each zodiac pairing with The Archer. However, don’t take that to mean you can’t date a Cancer if you’re a Sagittarius. After all, sun sign compatibility is but one small piece of a larger puzzle. We all embody each of the 12 zodiac signs, so the chances are that the two of you will be aligned in at least one other area. If you’re vibing hard enough, that might be enough to build more compatibility.