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What Is Mars Retrograde? An Astrologer Explains

Prepare for the next major planetary slowdown.

If hearing the word “retrograde” is a fast track to freaking out that your life is about to get flipped upside down, you’re not alone. The astrological event has a bad reputation for wreaking havoc. But the fact of the matter is that every planet in our solar system goes retrograde on a regular basis, and every couple of years, Mars, the planet of action and energy, moves backward for about two and half months. Given that Mars is the planet that influences how we get after our most ambitious goals, chances are you’ll feel its slowdowns almost as much as the frequent backspins of Mercury, the planet of communication, which is why it can be helpful to learn about and prep for its effects. 

Read on to better understand what Mars retrograde actually is as well as what you can expect during the astrological transit and how to make the most of it. 

What Is Mars Retrograde, Exactly? 

Mars retrograde is when the planet that oversees action, energy, sex drive, motivation, anger, and passion appears to move backward from our position on Earth. In turn, you’ll notice slowdowns, delays, and frustrations related to moving the ball forward, revving yourself up, and building momentum, especially in whichever area of life Mars retrograde is influencing for you this time around (more on that in a bit). It’s why you might notice that you’re a bit more lethargic than usual or finding it tougher than usual to hit the gas on a passion project or even to feel satisfied in your romantic relationships. These are typical challenges that Mars retrograde presents, but the transit is not only about wrenches being thrown in your best laid plans. The astrological event, just like all others, presents both aggravations and silver linings.

It bears noting that when any planet goes retrograde, its greater purpose is to nudge you to take a step back from your usual grind. Instead, you’re encouraged to dive into more introspection in order to reflect on the themes of the planet—for instance, how you express anger, how you pursue your greatest desires, how you fire yourself up to get after your goals, etc.—and address loose ends in order to course correct once the planet moves forward. And thanks to this effect, you could find you’re even more industrious, motivated, and effective for having taken the time to go back to the drawing board.

Woman Taking Deep Breath Meditating with Headphones

How Often Is Mars Retrograde?

Mars retrograde happens every two years—more specifically, 26 months—and lasts roughly two and a half months each time. There are also pre-retrograde lead-in and post-retrograde lead-out periods known as the Mars retrograde shadows, which is why you might feel the effects of the transit before and after it’s actually happening. Mars’ pre-and post-retrograde shadow periods are about two months each themselves. 

Knowing that Mars’ retrograde effects last for so many months may sound rather daunting, to be sure, but you can take heart that there’s no need to treat the shadow periods like the actual retrograde, and the day on which it is generally the most apparent is the day on which the planet of action “stations” or goes retrograde or direct.

How to make the most of Mars retrograde. 

While plenty of social media memes would have you believe that you have no choice but to surrender to chaos when Mars is retrograde, the truth is that you can actually take advantage of it. And the first step to doing so is being prepared, just as you might opt for a cozy puffer jacket when the forecast calls for wintry temps. Here are a few top pro tips.

Opt for restorative activities over aggressive ones. 

OK, no one says you have to ditch your favorite Vinyasa or HIIT class and opt for sound baths instead, but you’ll often find that you can thrive during a Mars retrograde when you make a point to not only conserve energy but build in plenty of time to rest and recharge. This will look different for everyone, of course, but you can always look to the sign(s) that Mars is retrograde in for clues on restorative routines you might check out over the course of the transit. For example, if it is retrograde in self-expressive fire sign Leo, you might feel rejuvenated by reimagining how you let your creative voice shine. 

Check your Mars retrograde horoscope.

You can read your own Mars retrograde horoscope by casting up your birth, or natal chart, or pulling it up if you happen to have it handy already. Then, find out where Mars will be, or currently is, retrograde. For instance, in December 2024-February 2025, Mars will be retrograde in Leo and Cancer — specifically 6 degrees Leo to 17 degrees Cancer. Look for the precise degrees of those signs in your chart and notice which house they fall in. From there, you’ll get a sense of the area of life in which you’ll feel the retrograde the most.

A quick explanation for each house:

  • First House of Self: Get clarity around how you’re pursuing your passion projects and how your approach fits with your self-image and confidence.
  • Second House of Income: Think about how you’re going about moneymaking and how your self-worth and values ties into your game plan.
  • Third House of Communication: Reassess how you’re connecting with others and tackling learning experiences as well as short-distance travel. 
  • Fourth House of Home Life: Reflect on how you’re exerting your energy and taking action on projects you’re tackling alongside loved ones and related to your home and inner life.
  • Fifth House of Romance and Self-Expression: Be open to taking a more scattershot, spontaneous approach to creative and heartfelt experiences. 
  • Sixth House of Wellness: Finesse your everyday hustle and strategy for bolstering your wellness on a daily basis. 
  • Seventh House of Partnership: Take a microscope to frustrations and inequities within your one-on-one bonds and reconfigure what’s no longer working so you can ultimately boost harmony. 
  • Eighth House of Intimacy: Reflect on your sex life, how you’re pursuing and fulfilling your desires, your comfort level within your closest relationships, and financial goals you share with a loved one. 
  • Ninth House of Adventure: Check in with your gut impulses and acknowledge how you’ve been taking leaps of faith, exploring different philosophies, and making your wildest, big picture dreams a reality.
  • Tenth House of Career: Explore your sense of authority and get clear on how you really want to make your mark going forward.
  • Eleventh House of Networking: Figure out exactly which collaborative efforts with colleagues or friends are truly worth your time and energy and take stock of how you’ve been pursuing long-term wishes.
  • Twelfth House of Spirituality: Consider how you’ve been tending to your mental and emotional well-being and prioritize rest, daydreaming, and self-work.

Prioritize mindfulness.

In astrology, Mars’ M.O. is to nudge you to get in touch with your inner fire and go hard to pursue your passions. But it’s fairly impossible to be that action-oriented and future-focused 24/7/365 year after year. Sometimes, taking your foot off the gas and idling for a bit is actually the most productive thing you can do. That said, Mars retrogrades were made for being in the moment so you can reflect on your relationship to your anger, frustration, aggression, sex drive, and motivation and come away from the moment with greater self-awareness and growth.