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What Your Midheaven Sign Means and How to Find It

Pinpoint your MC and gain more joy in your career.

Even if you’ve started to dive deeper into your birth chart beyond your sun, moon, and rising sign (a.k.a. your “big three”), there’s always more to learn about astrology. And if you’re looking for insight on your professional path, you’ll do well to consult a particular area of your birth chart called the midheaven sign, or MC.

Standing for Medium Coeli, your MC or midheaven sign speaks to your professional path, social standing, and public persona. Considering that zodiac signs are archetypes for human behavior and interests, it makes sense that we would look to astrology to inform our careers. After all, a Leo and a Libra don't react the same in the same situation.

Here's what you need to know about the MC, which is the astrological key to making your career dreams a reality.

What Your Midheaven Sign Can Tell You

Who You Are Professionally

Hanging out at the very top of your chart, your MC characterizes your most public, visible achievements, the type of work you're drawn to doing, the persona others see in a professional or public image-related context (as opposed to the more social persona—or how others perceive you—that your rising represents), and how you show up when you take the reins on a major project or assume new responsibilities.

Your Long-Term Goals

Your MC sign also speaks to your big-picture goals, what you aspire to accomplish, how you feel about achievement, and how you want to be perceived by others in your career. And it's a point that we astrologers look to when we're aiming to better understand a person's relationship to people in a position of power, whether that's authority figures on the job or a parent or caregiver who influenced your career path. After all, each house is associated with a sign and a planet, and the Tenth House of Career (and therefore the MC) is ruled by Capricorn and its ruler, taskmaster Saturn, which oversees discipline, hard work, tough lessons, and authority.

When delineating your MC, we look not only at the sign it's in but any planets that are interacting closely with it. For instance, if you have the confident sun conjunct your MC—meaning it falls within about eight degrees plus or minus the degrees of your MC—your core identity is very much linked to your achievements and long-term goals. You probably also have a great chance of shining in a very public way.

How to Figure Out Your MC Sign

The easiest and best way to pinpoint your MC is by looking at your birth chart. There are a ton of free apps and sites out there, like TimePassages,, or, where you can plug in your info and receive your birth chart in seconds. Or you can work with a professional astrologer to cast and better understand it.

But if you want to do it the fast and dirty way, has an MC calculator. Make sure you know the time, date, and place that you were born. From there, you can keep reading to get our condensed version of what each of the signs means when they’re your MC.

What Each Midheaven Sign Means

Once you know your midheaven sign, here’s the scoop on how it could manifest. (Remember, it’s just one piece of the complex, multi-layered picture that is your birth chart, so if it doesn’t quite resonate, talking to a pro astrologer could offer clarity.)

Aries MC

If you were born with your midheaven in the cardinal fire sign Aries, you’re a go-getter through and through. You likely tackle your professional aspirations in a fiery, no-holds-barred way, leaping before you look. You pride yourself on being a pioneer, the first out the gate to do anything, and you’re super-competitive.

Likely career paths: Entrepreneur, athlete, litigator

Taurus MC

If fixed earth sign Taurus falls on the cusp of the Tenth House in your chart, you’re determined to succeed but also dead set on taking your time to do so. Because Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, relationships, and beauty, you could be drawn to Venusian activities in your professional life. These include art, fashion, or couples therapy—and it’s crucial for you to feel like you’re being creative, social, and boosting the harmony and beauty of anything you’re working on.

Likely career paths: Matchmaker, interior designer, musician

Gemini MC

Born with your midheaven in mutable air sign Gemini, communication and information-gathering is a huge focus of your professional destiny. You’re innately drawn to being social, so working solo likely wouldn’t be the best fit. Instead, you shine when you’re collaborating with others, researching, enjoying the freedom to switch up your focus from one project to the next, and constantly forging new connections—all thanks to the fact that Gemini is ruled by messenger Mercury.

Likely career paths: Politician or communications director for a politician, publicist, social media manager

Cancer MC

If you were born with your midheaven in the cardinal water sign Cancer, known to be supremely nurturing and emotionally intelligent, you’re probably drawn to a career path that allows you to put those skills to use. You love to hold space for others to move through difficult emotions, to show up for them when they’re feeling down mentally or physically, and to be a shoulder to lean on. And because Cancer is so family-oriented, you may set goals that will allow you to best care for your own or bolster others. This is because the sign of the Crab is ruled by the intuitive moon, which serves as the emotional compass in astrology.

Likely career paths: Professional caregiver, nurse, therapist

Leo MC

Born with your midheaven in Leo, the fixed fire sign, you may have a somewhat conflicted relationship with being the center of attention. (That’s because chances are your rising is Scorpio, which causes you to value your privacy.) Still, standing in the limelight can feel like an accomplishment to you. And you shine when you take a chance and put yourself out there, because Leo’s energy is so thoroughly confident and charismatic, thanks to its ruler, the vitality-bringing sun.

Likely Career Paths: Lawmaker, CEO, on-camera reporter

Virgo MC

With your midheaven in Virgo, the mutable earth sign, you’re drawn to professional activities and goals that allow you to flex your organizational and communication skills. Virgo is ruled by messenger Mercury, after all. And because Virgo is the ruler of the Sixth House of Daily Routine, you’re particularly successful when you focus on work that involves being of service to others—particularly by providing them with research or other information you’ve expertly gathered.

Likely Career Paths: Reporter, research scientist, educator

Libra MC

With your midheaven in Libra, the cardinal air sign, you’re interested in bringing balance and beauty to anything you invest your time and energy into professionally. Relationships are of particular interest to you, especially those that happen on a one-on-one basis, but so is fighting for justice. You’re comfiest in a career that not only allows you to see all sides of an issue but that requires it. And because Libra is ruled by beauty-loving Venus, you enjoy being artistic in your work.

Likely Career Paths: Congressperson, couples therapist, wedding planner

Scorpio MC

With your midheaven in Scorpio, the fixed water sign, you thrive when you’re calling the shots and feel like you’re in a position of power—but not necessarily pushed to share your inner life with others. You’re likely on a mission to uncover and understand other people’s secrets and have truly impressive investigative skills that you’d do well to apply in your work. Because Scorp is co-ruled by Mars, the planet of action, and Pluto, the planet of transformation, you’re razor-focused on making your mark.

Likely Career Paths: Private investigator, sex therapist, surgeon

Sagittarius MC

Born with your midheaven in Sagittarius, the mutable fire sign, you’re full of wanderlust and crave knowledge and eye-opening experiences at every turn. You’re also innately gleeful when you’re on center stage, expressing yourself through humor and sharing your opinions. You need professional experiences that allow you to learn and grow almost perpetually; the more, the better, according to Sag’s ruler, expansive Jupiter.

Likely Career Paths: Comedian, professor, travel journalist

Capricorn MC

With your midheaven in Capricorn, the cardinal earth sign, chances are you work hard and perpetually. That’s because you’re endlessly driven and wired to take your time hitting the peak of any mountain you’ve decided to climb. That’s why you’re suited to career paths that might require putting in a lot of effort over the course of years and years, accumulating degrees, networking, or building your resume one hard-earned achievement at a time—the result of Cap being ruled by taskmaster Saturn.

Likely Career Paths: Family physician, financial advisor, investor

Aquarius MC

With Aquarius, the fixed air sign, on your midheaven, you’re not interested in adhering to a conventional professional path, preferring to strike out on your own in some way or another. And because Aquarius rules the eleventh house of friendships and long-term wishes, you value humanitarian pursuits and pride yourself on prioritizing communal efforts over anything you deem self-focused. You also value the ability to be a bit offbeat or eccentric and might be drawn to work in future-minded tech—because Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the planet of revolution and scientific genius.

Likely Career Paths: Founder of a nonprofit, community organizer, software developer

Pisces MC

Born with your midheaven in Pisces, the mutable water sign, you’re drawn to spiritual, creative pursuits in your professional life. Ruled by Neptune, which oversees dreams and escapism, Pisceans are endlessly imaginative but often struggle to get grounded in reality, so work that actually requires wearing rose-colored glasses or embracing the ethereal over the pragmatic suits you best. The heartfelt water sign is also known for its healing abilities, so you could make an impression publicly by applying your innate empathy toward nurturing others.

Likely Career Paths: Filmmaker, professional astrologer, actor